Dharmanand Uniyal Government Degree College, Narendranagar (Tehri Garhwal), Uttarakhand.
Our Best Practices
Academic Session 2023-24
Best Practice 1:Community Health and Sanitation Program
1. Title of the Practice: COmmunity HEALth and Sanitation program (COHEALS)
2. Objectives of the Practice: COHEALS has following objectives:
i)-To ensure community mobilisation and bolster people's participation for addressing malnutrition amongst young children, and women and to ensure health and nutrition for everyone..
ii)-To ensure community mobilisation and bolster people's participation for addressing malnutrition amongst young children, and women and to ensure health and nutrition for everyone.
iii)-To induce hygiene practices.
3. The Context: Cleanliness and a healthy diet are paramount as good health makes us more active, happy, and productive. It affects our social, physical, mental health and social engagement. It is imperative to create awareness about health and hygiene. The women and girls in society have a significant role to play and must take very good care of themselves and the people around them.
4. The Practice: Under this activity, the Home Science Department through its outreach program visited the Kanda village which is located near the college and took the anthropometric measurements like height, weight etc. of the children and the women. The pregnant as well as the lactating women were sensitized about the calorie requirements during pregnancy, lactation and post-delivery and post lactation period with certain do’s and don’ts. They were also taught as to how they can and must take good care of themselves and their family’s health and hygiene. All the participants were informed about the vaccination program for pregnant lady and the child and were motivated to follow the vaccination schedules at different stages during pregnancy and after the birth of the child to boost the immunity against certain diseases and lead a healthy life. The saying that a healthy body, healthy mind leads to healthy nation capable of upkeeping the pride and honor of the country.
5. Evidence of Success: The female members of the families residing in Kanda village were taught on their daily diet plan and also on how they can take care of their calories count. The impetus of the practice is that each and every member of the family must take good care of their family’s health and hygiene. They must take good care of the pregnant and lactating mothers as their nutritional requirements are different and must be given food accordingly that supports both to mother and the developing child. In rural areas people are not aware and vigilant as to the immunization program and neglect the time frame for various doses charted right after the birth of the child till they attain certain age. Hence such practices of letting the people in rural areas know in detail about healthy eating and cleanliness practices will certainly help them fight against widespread malnutrition. The care given to the pregnant, lactating mother and infants could help the society to fight the high mortality rates. The families were taught about the locally produced grains which have high nutritional value and could be consumed to gain health.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required: The activities under the program need to be further elaborated wherein the female members of the village are made aware of various aspect that relate to the reproductive health and healthy diet during pregnancy and post pregnancy including the overall health. The villagers must understand the importance of health & hygiene. The community level engagement, involvement and more funds are needed to extend this activity to other villages in the vicinity of the college.

Best Practice 2: Sanskaarshala (Visit to Asha Kiran Sewa Ashram Narendranagar)
1. Title of the Practice: ‘Sanskaarshala’
(Visits to Asha Kiran Sewa Aashram Narendranagar for the old and destitute)
2. Objectives of the Practice: The core philosophy of the college is sanskar, seva and
samarpan, i.e. values, service and dedication. The students must be made sensible,
responsible and dedicated citizens of the country. The student and staffs effort in
providing a sincere and selfless care to people residing in the ashram inculcates the
values of kindness, empathy and unconditional compassion in them.
The objectives of this practice are
i)-To serve the elderly people by taking care of their physical, emotional, social and
spiritual needs.
- ii)-To help the students understand the traumatic problems faced by desolate people.
iii)-To inculcate in them a more humanitarian outlook and infuse values and ethics
which will imbibe in their subconscious certain positive traits that are urgently
needed in today’s turbulent times.
3. The Context: Run by an NGO since 2004 ‘Asha Kiran Sewa Aashram’ is home to the
destitute elderly people and orphaned poor children from various area of Uttarakhand. To
inculcate universal human values like truth, righteous conduct, peace, love and nonviolence
which is directly associated to physical, intellectual, emotional psyche and other aspects of
human temperament, the college strives to motivate maximum participation in
providing care, respect and love to the people residing in the ashram. There is an urgency
to bolster these values for a better and more humane society.The students coming from
different backgrounds have to develop their emotional quotient and empathetic outlook
towards the social issues.
4. The Practice: Swayamsevis of the NSS unit of the college regularly visit the Asha Kiran
Sewa Ashram. They distribute fruits, medicines, clothes and other such items required by
them. They also support and communicate with the old age people. In turn they receive
the love; warmth and experiences of old age. This exercise is taken up frequently
throughout the year and has tremendous impact on the young minds. The enthusiasm of
the students is clearly evident in the way they eagerly participate in various activities
conducted in the ashram, be it cleaning the ashram campus, vivacious discussions with
the dwellers and other chores.

5. Evidence of Success: Rural areas of Uttarakhand face lots of problems, migration being
the biggest of all. When people migrate out for better job opportunities, they leave behind
their old age parents and relatives with nobody to take care of and look after. This
becomes very traumatic and painful for these people. When our students visit the ashram,
the old people feel recharged by the energy, love and support offered by our young
students. The students are positively charged, and subconsciously learn the virtues of
becoming a good human being.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required: The exercise can be extended to
other students of the college who are not a part of NSS. More resources are needed to
fulfill the needs of the people.